9 Dale Street, West Hartford, CT 06107 • (860) 236-8376 • info@fischmanorthodontics.com

Dr. Fischman’s Vacation Essential Suggestions for Braces!

Dr Fischmans Vacation Essential Suggestions for BracesIf you are wearing braces or Invisalign, and are planning a vacation, the Fischman Orthodontics team would suggest that you put the following items together in your Fischman Orthodontics bag:

  • Toothpick, flosspick, or other interdental cleaners
  • bactrim drug
  • Travel toothbrush
  • A water bottle or a mini bottle of mouth rinse
  • Orthodontic wax to help with discomfort from protruding wires
  • A small mirror for examining any possible issues in your mouth

If you happen to be on vacation and experience problems reaching our office, we suggest going online and searching for orthodontic practices in your area. Most orthodontists will lend a hand to another orthodontic patient and get him or her out of pain or discomfort. In addition, avoid the following foods to prevent broken brackets and wire distortion while you are on vacation:

    acne drug
  • Chewy, sticky, hard or gummy food
  • Apples, pears, and other whole fruits (cut fruit into wedges before
  • Bagels, hard rolls, and pizza crust
  • Corn on the cob
  • Hard candies
  • Hard cookies or pretzels
  • All nuts, including peanuts, almonds, and cashews

Finally, if you are wearing clear aligners and happen to lose your tray, don’t worry! Simply put in either the previous tray or the next tray and contact us at info@fischmanorthodontics.com or call (860) 236-8376 as soon as you get home!

Follow these tips and you can have a worry-free vacation! Please give us a call if you have any questions!